Shopping in Whistler
Wander through Whistler Village and surrounding neighbourhoods to peruse endless shops stocked with locally-sourced and globally-inspired goods. Browse fine artwork, fashion, jewellery and luxury items, as well as sportswear and the latest in outdoor gear. You’ll also find all the essentials for everyday living like groceries, gifts and specialty items.
Start exploring by choosing a category below, find shops near you, or search for a business by name. Also see hours of operation and directions.
The Best Boards, Boots, Skis
and Gear for Whistler
Dress for success in Whistler with tips from local store owners who know what gear you need to stay warm, dry and riding this winter.
Insider's Guide to Whistler
Whistler Creekside has its own laid-back charm with a gondola, lakes and a thriving retail and restaurant scene. Here's our guide!
Crystal Lodge
Save up to 15%
Steps from the mountains with luxury rooms and amenities. Book now and save up to 15%.
Photos of Shopping in Whistler