This blog on Whistler proposal ideas was written in 2016, we’ve just added a few more options and images in our August 2024 update.

Guest Author: Magee Walker
Magee is a Whistler-based writer who likes big adventures and has a keen eye for romance. Read and learn…

It really is no wonder that so many people come to Whistler to pop the question.

A gentle snowfall; epic mountains framing the scene; once-in-a-lifetime adventures – you’d be hard-pressed to find a more memorable and romantic place anywhere on earth.

Most Romantic Ski ResortRomance lives here. Left: Mike Crane PHOTO. Right: Phillipa Campbell PHOTO

The tough part isn’t deciding to propose to your special someone in Whistler; it’s figuring out where, exactly, you want to make it happen. Whether you’re a couple who savours the finer things in life or you’re huge fans of the great outdoors, rest assured that there is a perfect Whistler proposal just waiting to happen for you.

We’ve gathered some of our favourite locales to help get your creative juices flowing.

The Ziplining Engagement

This one is for the couple who likes a little excitement.

Ziplining is an adrenaline-fuelled activity – after all, you’re required to step off a platform over a vast sea of nothingness – but it’s also one that happens to be set in a rather enchanting forest that makes for a picture-perfect proposal.

Picture this setup: your partner is a little nervous to zip the line, so you kindly offer to go first. Once you make it to the other side, your guide quickly frees you from the line and you remove the ring from your (carefully zippered) pocket. By the time your partner is zipping into the landing platform, you’re on one knee. Come on – who wouldn’t say yes to that?!

Unique Proposal IdeasQuiet forest setting or high flying proposal? Left: Magee Walker PHOTO. Right:Superfly Ziplines PHOTO

Proposing at Proposal Corner

Believe it or not, there is a place in Whistler called “Proposal Corner” – yes, there’s even a sign that says so. The catch: in the winter months, you’ll have to don a pair of cross-country skis to get there. Head to the PassivHaus at Lost Lake Park and rent your skis. Roughly halfway through the beginner-friendly Lost Lake Loop trail, you’ll see the infamous sign – that’s your cue to get down on bended knee. Bonus points for packing a thermos of hot cocoa in your backpack and celebrating the moment with a chocolaty toast.

If you’re not so sure about cross-country skiing, you also have the option of snowshoeing the trail. Alternatively, you can wait until the summer, as Proposal Corner is easily accessed on foot or by bike when the trail is clear of snow.

The Dog Lover’s Dream

Dog-loving couples, look no further than a proposal set on a dogsledding route in the Callaghan backcountry. This activity ticks all the boxes: it’s a uniquely Canadian experience, the setting is as idyllic as it gets, and it’s not an overly extreme activity – perfect for those who prefer, say, not to jump off a bridge (see below). Oh, and you’ll have six adorable Alaskan Huskies rooting you on as you pop the question.

Dog Sledding WhistlerShow him or her it’s not just puppy love. Left: Mike Crane PHOTO. Right: Magee Walker PHOTO

The execution is simple: you’ll start off bundled under a blanket with your loved one as your trusty team of sled dogs pulls you through the woods. Partway through, your guide will pull the sled over to give the pups a break. That’s your cue!

The Most Extreme Engagement

There’s arguably no setting more intimate than being tied up with your partner as you prepare to launch yourselves off a bridge.


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If you agree with that statement, then a tandem bungee jump engagement is definitely up your alley. We recommend asking the question the moment before you step off the platform. Just one tip: leave the ring with your guide and fetch it once you’re back on steady land.

The Built-In Champagne Toast

For the couple who has never met a five-course meal they didn’t love, there’s only one proper proposal place for you: down in the wine cellar at the Bearfoot Bistro.

Sabering a champagne bottle is a thrilling experience that’s part fun, part educational, and all delicious. After learning about the history of champagne sabering, your host will invite you to sabre a champagne bottle on your own. Let your partner do the honours of slicing the champagne bottle, then get down on one knee. Not only will you have a glass of champagne readily available, but you can continue the celebration with a decadent meal upstairs in the main restaurant.

Prefer vodka to champagne? The Bearfoot Bistro’s Grey Goose Ice Room is another option for a spirited proposal.

Engaged in WhistlerNot bad places for a ‘We’re Engaged!’ photo. Mike Crane PHOTOS.

A Mountaintop Proposal

If you and your loved one are skiing or snowboarding fanatics, then it’s only natural to pop the question while you’re doing your favourite activity at one of the most spectacular ski resorts on earth. As a bonus, this one won’t arouse any suspicion – after all, you probably came to Whistler to ski, so it’s the perfect opportunity to pull off the surprise factor.

Head to the top of Peak Chair or Seventh Heaven for some stunning panoramic views to serve as your proposal backdrop. Want to take it to the next level? Two words: heli skiing.

Fondue? I Do!

An extreme adventure paired with delicious food – what more could you ask for? A snowmobiling and fondue dinner tour strikes the perfect balance of adventurous and intimate – and the proposal success rate for this activity is reportedly 100%.

After you’ve filled your belly with fondue, invite your partner to join you outside the Crystal Hut on Blackcomb Mountain beneath the starry night sky. You’ll get to celebrate the entire snowmobile ride back down the mountain. Another option: make it less extreme by swapping the snowmobile for a snowcat tour, where someone else does all the heavy lifting for you.

Best Places to Propose WhistlerAn adventure, a decadent fondue dinner and The Question. Mike Crane PHOTOS.

The Fairytale Engagement

Strolling Whistler Village in the winter is like being inside a snow globe with all of the stunning festive lights, especially around the outdoor ice rink for the skate-lovers. Just off the beaten path, by the covered bridge that takes you to the Upper Village is Rebagliati Park where they place stunningly-lit forest creatures, bringing a sense of Narnia-like magic to your proposal.


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Another light-based idea is Vallea Lumina, a multi-media light show set in the forest. There are lots of magical scenes to choose from, but the bridge of many sparkles is one to consider as is the forest of coloured orbs.

Ain’t love grand? Whether you’re on a first date or your 50th wedding anniversary the mountains offer endless opportunities for romance. has everything you need to craft a unique romantic getaway, plan a wedding or simply enjoy the wonder of winter together.


Along with our regular Insiders, we have a host of local and visiting authors keen to share their stories. Most of them don't actually look like bears, but they are just as lovable.