Current Valley Conditions: Updated Saturday December 21, 2024 at 06:00 PST
Sunrise: 08:09 | Sunset: 16:12
°F / in
Current Valley Conditions: Updated Saturday December 21, 2024 at 06:00 PST
Sunrise: 08:09 | Sunset: 16:12
°C / cm
Snow Report and Mountain Conditions: Updated December 21 at 5:11 AM
- New:
- 0 cm
- 24 hr:
- 1 cm
- 48 hr:
- 3 cm
- 7 Days:
- 97 cm
- Season:
- 366 cm
- Base:
- 135 cm
Alpine: 0 °C
Wind: High at 55 - 67 km/h from the SE
Visibility: Variable
Freezing Level: 1900 m
Mid Mountain: 1 °C
Wind: Calm at 6 - 25 km/h from the E
- New:
- 0 in
- 24 hr:
- 0 in
- 48 hr:
- 1 in
- 7 Days:
- 38 in
- Season:
- 144 in
- Base:
- 53 in
Alpine: 32 °F
Wind: High at 55 - 67 km/h from the SE
Visibility: Variable
Freezing Level: 1180 ft
Mid Mountain: 34 °F
Wind: Calm at 6 - 25 km/h from the E
Alpine Forecast
Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 6:00:00 AM PST
An active and moist west to southwesterly flow will provide almost daily light to moderate snowfall events from today through the end of next week.
Each system is expected to be accompanied by moderate to strong ridge top winds while alpine temperatures are expected to remain fairly mild through today before cooling slightly over the first half of next week.
Cloudy with morning sunny breaks. Periods of snow developing after noon.
Alpine Temperature: High 0 °C
Wind south: 20-30 km/h gusting 50-60 km/h.
Freezing Level: 2100 metres
Accumulation: 5-8 cm.
Periods of snow ending this evening with a few clear breaks developing overnight.
Alpine Temperature: Low -5 °C
Wind south: 20-30 km/h gusting 50-60 km/h easing this evening.
Freezing Level: 700 metres
Cloudy. Snow developing in the afternoon.
Alpine Temperature: High -1 °C
Wind south: 20-35 km/h increasing to 30 gust 70 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1800 metres
Accumulation: 15-20 cm.
Cloudy with sunny periods.
Alpine Temperature: Low -5 °C, High -2 °C
Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 40 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1600 metres
Alpine Temperature: Low -7 °C, High -3 °C
Wind southerly 30 gusting to 50 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1200 metres
Accumulation: 10-15 cm.
Cloudy with snow developing.
Alpine Temperature: Low -5 °C, High -3 °C
Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 35 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1100 metres
Accumulation: 10-20 cm.
Cloudy with scattered flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -4 °C, High -3 °C
Wind south: 15-25 gusting to 50 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1200 metres
Accumulation: 3-7 cm.
Mainly cloudy.
Alpine Temperature: Low -5 °C, High -4 °C
Wind light to 25 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1100 metres
Cloudy with flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -4 °C, High -3 °C
Wind light to 25 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1300 metres
Accumulation: 4-8 cm.
This alpine forecast is provided by RWDI
Valley Forecast
Saturday December 21, 2024 at 05:00 PST
Cloudy. Rain beginning late this morning. High plus 4.
Rain ending near midnight then cloudy with 30 percent chance of rain showers or wet flurries overnight. Low plus 1.
Cloudy. 30 percent chance of rain showers or wet flurries in the morning. Rain beginning late in the morning. Temperature steady near plus 3.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. High plus 5.
Periods of rain. High plus 5.
Periods of rain. Windy. High 6.
Periods of rain. High plus 5.
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers. High plus 5.
Cloudy. Rain beginning late this morning. High plus 4.
Rain ending near midnight then cloudy with 30 percent chance of rain showers or wet flurries overnight. Low plus 1.
Cloudy. 30 percent chance of rain showers or wet flurries in the morning. Rain beginning late in the morning. Temperature steady near plus 3.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. High plus 5.
Periods of rain. High plus 5.
Periods of rain. Windy. High 6.
Periods of rain. High plus 5.
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers. High plus 5.